Let me make this very simple. Even though I love the UU Enforcer with all my heart, and even though I love his fashion sense and even though I acknowledge that he himself looks really cute in baseball caps, you are NOT TO OBTAIN ONE OF THOSE UU BASEBALL CAPS, DO YOU HEAR ME??
No! No! No!!!
Damnit, no!!
Don't get one for your minister, for the love of all that's decent and good!
As soon as I calm down a little bit and stop spitting and hissing, I'll tell you about walking into a little boutique in Evanston, IL this summer and seeing little rubber "Livestrong" style bracelets for sale that said things like "Apathy," "Death" and "Anxiety." I couldn't help it: I laughed. Couldn't we have seen those coming?
No! No! No!!!
Damnit, no!!
Don't get one for your minister, for the love of all that's decent and good!
As soon as I calm down a little bit and stop spitting and hissing, I'll tell you about walking into a little boutique in Evanston, IL this summer and seeing little rubber "Livestrong" style bracelets for sale that said things like "Apathy," "Death" and "Anxiety." I couldn't help it: I laughed. Couldn't we have seen those coming?
What about for the all-church picnic and possible soccer game?
ONLY then, and only the old-fashioned cloth caps, not the new-fangled hideous ones that look like the old McDonald's styrofoam Big Mac containers.
You know i wouldn't wear one of those anyway. I am not a UU alumn. Good story as it is. I am a Seminole alumn, and I don't wear their ball cap either. My husband does that with my little boy.
Help us pick a hat, dear PeaceBang. I'm foregoing the Ute hat -- even though I am a graduate of that very school and I'm a UU to boot! -- but I do need a hat to shelter my freckly complexion. Mrs P thinks my Red Sox baseball cap is not quite sophisticated, but I have lost my little cabby cap, which Mrs P says no young(ish) person wears these days.
Peacebang, even the forces of blogism are against you tonight: right now the word verification for comments is "luuug."
Surely someone can make something gross and inappropriate out of that!
Oh, Errant Frogs....
You naughty boy, you!
Which means, of course, that it will go with MY crocs as well.
*giggles madly*
Dame O
As soon as I get my first pay check, I'm ordering this hat. (I'd wait for some kind, generous, astute parishoner to buy one for me, but they might have read this blog and decided against it.) I might order two of them.
I will then place it with pride amongst the 56 other baseball caps I own and the 34 (or so) non-baseball hats I own.
Quite a few of which, I have worn not only at church but in the pulpit.
But then again... I'm a fool when it comes to fashion.
Peacebang, we all know you already own one of these hats (though I do have a new one for you.) Folks can stop by my blog to check out the proof!
I have to respectfully disagree with Mr. and Mrs. P, and proclaim my love for my cabby hat. If needed, I have pictures to prove both my youngishness while wearing it and its (relative) stylishness. The advantage of the cap, in these circumstances, is that it works just as well with a casual outfit as when you're running from the car to a reception in a blazer.
Believe it or not, PB, when UUJester wears a hat in the pulpit, it is eminently appropriate.
Mind you, dear Baptized Pagan, that Mrs Philocrites thought my cabby hat was not au courant (because no one else in Paris was wearing one when we were there), but then again, no one mistook me for an American. Instead, Parisians asked me for directions. And then the embarrassment began.
I might buy another. My brown fedora is woefully out of date and too fusty. What I'm really looking for is a hat that can be worn with clothes that run from linen trousers to black chinos with short or long-sleeve casual shirts. (PeaceBang, like what I wore around GA.)
Unless it's an amazing hat, I probably won't wear it with my dark charcoal 3-button suit or my dark brown 3-button suit. It's more a hat for my pedestrian lifestyle that I'm looking for.
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PB is right, I would never buy that hat. I do like this one in black with red lettering though.
PeaceBang may actually remember my arrival at Harvard Divinity School. I had a full beard and Jesus hair. Down past my shoulders. Usually worn in a ponytail, so as not to frighten small children -- quite so much.
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