Monday, January 15, 2007

PeaceBang On Vacation

Greetings, lovely and beautiful people!

PeaceBang is slogging around in that pre-vacation haze, mumbling to herself, slinging things into suitcases, and icing her face to keep an enormous blister from forming.

It all began last night when the cat must have been putting our supernatural amounts of dander and right there in the midst of watching "Mrs. Palfrey At the Clairmont" with her mama, PeaceBang began to itch like mad. When the itching became unbearable she ran upstairs to access a Benedryl (and wondererd for the umpteenth time why the manufacturers insist on packaging it as thought it's plutonium -- GADS that stuff is impossible to open!).

She itched and itched. Her left eye puffed all the way up and she looked like the Elephant Man. In the morning, after nightmares so intense they had her yelling out loud (bringing the cat running in for a psych nurse call), PeaceBang awoke to a red, swollen cheek on the verge of becoming a huge allergy blister.

BUT PeaceBang is not complaining. She's just tired and hopes she's arranged for enough coverage while she is away in Guatemala for the next ten days gazing at volcanoes.

PeaceBang will be here,
and here,

She wishes you much beauty and joy while she is away.


Blogger Amy said...

I visited Santiago Atitlan approximately five years ago and found it inspiring. In fact, when I was applying to come under care with my Presbytery for preparation for ministry, I wrote of Stanley Rother as the ministry model I most admired. As I'm sure you're aware, they were the only city to succesfully evict the Guatemalan military from their boundaries through nonviolent methods. It was there that I bought my first stole, which I hope to be ordained in some day. And, of course, Lake Atitlan is a beautiful benefit!
We write here of beauty; however, there is little I found more strikingly and transcendently beautiful than the dedication and love shown by people like the citizens of Santiago Atitlan. Embrace it for me. I wish that I could be there.
Your reader,

4:23 PM  
Blogger Responsible Grace said...


I'm turning green. I would love to be able to visit with you. Antigua is one of the most wonderful cities. If you get a chance visit San Francisco Cathedral Ruins. I always found it a calming and inspiring place. Last time I was in Antigua, the year before starting Andover Newton, I was studying Spanish at Centro Linguistico Maya...I have no Spanish skills left but beautiful pictures. I have to agree with Amy that Lake Atitlan is beautiful but I never saw it from Santiago Atitlan, I was in Panajachel. I watched a group get baptized in that lake and I almost became Roman Catholic again. Enjoy your time in Guatemala. Soak up all that you can.


4:46 PM  
Blogger Shawna Atteberry said...

Have fun!

5:43 PM  
Blogger PeaceBang said...

Amy and MinnRev, thanks so much for this wonderful information and sharing. I will definitely seek out opportunities to learn more about Fr. Rother. I always say that vacation is all about hunting sermons, and his life and martyrdom sound like they're deeply inspiring.
Thanks for writing.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am shocked -- shocked! -- that you are on vacation and therefore not available to comment on last night's Golden Globe fashions. Now I can only imagine your commentary on Cameron Diaz' tutu-esque gown.

8:02 PM  

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