Dear Boston Globe Readers [updated 8 pm, 2/18]
I'm so glad that curiosity about this weekend's article in the Globe about this blog
has brought you here, and welcome to Beauty Tips For Ministers!
Whether you're here because you're clergy or because you're a curious layperson, or because you're just bored and have nothing else to do, I'm glad you've stopped by.
As Globe readers now know, when I'm not blogging in the outrageous persona of PeaceBang, I'm the Rev. Victoria Weinstein of Norwell, Massachusetts.
In all seriousness, and as myself, I warmly invite you to consider a Unitarian Universalist congregation if you are seeking a spiritual home. We are a free faith tradition and gather in covenanted community to support one another in the search for truth and meaning. Whatever your religious background -- or if you have none at all -- you are welcome to join with us in the work of cultivating reverence, ministering to one another, engaging in the work of social justice and ethical commitment. We are a theologically diverse people and abide with one another in the spirit of love --
cherishing our doubts and differences and affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
In the words of one of our spiritual forebears, "We need not think alike to love alike."
You can find out more about us at, where you will find a handy directory of congregations near you.
My own beloved community, the First Parish in Norwell, welcomes you to join with us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM for our worship services and Sunday School. We have a very vibrant congregational life in Norwell, with opportunities for religious education for all ages, service and outreach projects, and fellowship with a friendly, creative, caring group of people. You can learn more about us at, and I hope you will. (P.S. I will be guest preaching in Kingston this morning, so I'll see you next week in Norwell.)
Thank you to Globe reporter Michael Paulson for being such a wonderful and responsible journalist and for shepherding this anxious pastor through a story that, in the hands of a lesser writer, could have just been sensationalistic and embarrassing for me. A PeaceBang halo to you, Mr. Paulson.
[Oh my GOSH. I just now discovered the "interactive graphic" on p. 2 of the online version. What a riot!! It's like playing with a paper doll , and although I was very nervous when being recorded for the commentary, I don't think you can tell: ]
[After having listened to the commentary on the "interactive graphic" segment of the online story, I want to clarify that when I say that clergywomen need "more color," I mean not just color as in pink cheeks, but polish and definition of features regardless of skin color.]
To my readers who wrote to Michael with testimonials about the influence of this blog in your lives, bless your hearts. Your kindness and eloquence have deeply touched me. Even if you didn't make it into the article, Michael Paulson forwarded your e-mails to me and I have read them all. They are absolutely wonderful and inspiring.
Have a beautiful and blessed Sabbath.

[photo by my pal james estes, blogging as "peregrinato"]