You Know You Want One

I'm not sure how I just designed this. I was thinking about my sermon and kicking around some sites and wham, before you know it...!
Labels: PeaceBang's Greatest Hits
PeaceBang's Beauty Tips For Ministers: Because you're in the public eye, and God knows you need to look good.
Labels: PeaceBang's Greatest Hits
This gorgeous hunka hunka burning love is apparently J.C. Chasez, a celebrity-oriented type person. Never hoid of him before.
He's very handsome. He's fit. He's young, he has beautiful skin and cute hair. So what's with the outfit? Is this supposed to be ironic? Or nostalgic? Or just kind of whimsically elegant? Because fish ain't biting. To my eyes it just looks silly, and totally out of character. It looks like a costume, which is always a mistake. He looks like he just escaped from a bus-and-truck of "Forever Plaid."
Fellas, we know that the REAL J.C. always unerringly fashionable. This J.C., not so much. Look how he's emasculated himself, made himself a walking expression of sarcasm, and just plain dressed like a foo'. (As in,"Hey foo'! What's with the plaid pants!")
I know a good number of clergy gents who attempt this look on some level as a way of working the tranquil, unthreatening Rev. Fred McFeely Rogers vibe, but believe me, they mostly don't succeed. Even if you have a sort of avant-garde cardigan like this one, and you think you're dressing it up with a tie, think twice before emulating Monsieur Chasez. If you're truly gentle and fatherly, and you're over 60, maybe you can carry it off. If you're young and handsome, don't don this kind of ensemble as a way of underplaying your natural hotness. It might just make you look weirdly pervy, like this guy. And Lord knows we don't need that.
Thus spaketh the Bang, who when she sees plaid pants, always thinks "Darien Country Club," and not in a good way.
Thanks to the Go Fug Yourself gals for the photo.
Labels: Fighting Frump, Tips For My Menfolk
Labels: Attire, Fighting Frump
Labels: PeaceBang Personal
Labels: Accessories
Labels: Theological Reflection On Your Fabulousness, Your Gorgeous Flowing Locks
Labels: Attire
Labels: Shoes